
This guide will walk you through getting a Workflow up and running in a new iOS project. If you would like to see an existing project, clone the repo and view the SwiftUIExample scheme in SwiftCurrent.xcworkspace.

The app in this guide is going to be very simple. It consists of a view that will host the WorkflowView, a view to enter an email address, and an optional view for when the user enters an email with @wwt.com in it. Here is a preview of what the app will look like:

Preview image of app

Adding the Dependency

For instructions using Swift Package Manager (SPM) and CocoaPods, check out our installation page. This guide assumes you use SPM.


SwiftCurrent is so convenient that you may miss the couple of lines that are calls to the library. To make it easier, we’ve marked our code snippets with // SwiftCurrent to highlight items that are coming from the library.

Create Your Views

Create two views that implement FlowRepresentable.

First view:

import SwiftUI
import SwiftCurrent

struct FirstView: View, FlowRepresentable { // SwiftCurrent
    typealias WorkflowOutput = String // SwiftCurrent
    weak var _workflowPointer: AnyFlowRepresentable? // SwiftCurrent

    @State private var email = ""
    private let name: String

    init(with name: String) { // SwiftCurrent
        self.name = name

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Welcome \(name)!")
            TextField("Enter email...", text: $email)
            Button("Save") { proceedInWorkflow(email) } // SwiftCurrent

struct FirstView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        FirstView(with: "Example Name")

Second view:

import SwiftUI
import SwiftCurrent

struct SecondView: View, FlowRepresentable { // SwiftCurrent
    typealias WorkflowOutput = String // SwiftCurrent
    weak var _workflowPointer: AnyFlowRepresentable? // SwiftCurrent

    private let email: String

    init(with email: String) { // SwiftCurrent
        self.email = email

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Finish") { proceedInWorkflow(email) } // SwiftCurrent

    func shouldLoad() -> Bool { // SwiftCurrent

struct SecondView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        SecondView(with: "Example.Name@wwt.com")

What Is Going on With These Views?

Why is _workflowPointer weak?

FlowRepresentable._workflowPointer is required to conform to the FlowRepresentable protocol, but protocols cannot enforce you to use weak. If you do not put weak var _workflowPointer, the FlowRepresentable will end up with a strong circular reference when placed in a Workflow.

What’s this shouldLoad()?

FlowRepresentable.shouldLoad() is part of the FlowRepresentable protocol. It has default implementations created for your convenience but is still implementable if you want to control when a FlowRepresentable should load in the workflow. It is called after init but before body in SwiftUI.

Why is there a WorkflowOutput but no WorkflowInput?

FlowRepresentable.WorkflowInput is inferred from the initializer that you create. If you do not include an initializer, WorkflowInput will be Never; otherwise WorkflowInput will be the type supplied in the initializer. FlowRepresentable.WorkflowOutput cannot be inferred to be anything other than `Never`. This means you must manually provide WorkflowOutput a type when you want to pass data forward.

Launching the Workflow

Next we add a WorkflowView to the body of our starting app view, in this case ContentView.

import SwiftUI
import SwiftCurrent_SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var workflowIsPresented = false
    var body: some View {
        if !workflowIsPresented {
            Button("Present") { workflowIsPresented = true }
        } else {
            WorkflowView(isLaunched: $workflowIsPresented, launchingWith: "SwiftCurrent") { // SwiftCurrent
                WorkflowItem(FirstView.self) // SwiftCurrent
                    .applyModifiers { firstView in firstView.padding().border(Color.gray) } // SwiftCurrent
                WorkflowItem(SecondView.self) // SwiftCurrent
                    .applyModifiers { $0.padding().border(Color.gray) } // SwiftCurrent
            }.onFinish { passedArgs in // SwiftCurrent
                workflowIsPresented = false
                guard case .args(let emailAddress as String) = passedArgs else {
                    print("No email address supplied")

struct Content_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

What’s Going on Here?

Wait, where is the Workflow?

In SwiftUI, the Workflow type is handled by the library when you start with a WorkflowView.

Where is the type safety I heard about?

WorkflowView is specialized with your launchingWith type. FlowRepresentable is specialized with the FlowRepresentable.WorkflowInput and FlowRepresentable.WorkflowOutput associated types. These all work together when creating your flow at run-time to ensure the validity of your Workflow. If the output of FirstView does not match the input of SecondView, the library will send an error when creating the Workflow.

What’s going on with this launchingWith and passedArgs?

launchingWith are the AnyWorkflow.PassedArgs handed to the first FlowRepresentable in the workflow. These arguments are used to pass data and determine if the view should load. passedArgs are the AnyWorkflow.PassedArgs coming from the last view in the workflow. onFinish is only called when the user has gone through all the screens in the Workflow by navigation or skipping. For this workflow, passedArgs is going to be the output of FirstView or SecondView, depending on the email signature typed in FirstView. To extract the value, we unwrap the variable within the case of .args() as we expect this workflow to return some argument.

Interoperability With UIKit

You can use your UIViewControllers that are FlowRepresentable in your SwiftUI workflows. This is as seamless as it normally is to add to a workflow in SwiftUI. Start with your UIViewController.

import UIKit
import SwiftCurrent
import SwiftCurrent_UIKit

// This is programmatic but could just as easily have been StoryboardLoadable
final class FirstViewController: UIWorkflowItem<Never, Never>, FlowRepresentable { // SwiftCurrent
    typealias WorkflowOutput = String // SwiftCurrent
    let nextButton = UIButton()

    @objc private func nextPressed() {
        proceedInWorkflow("string value") // SwiftCurrent

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        nextButton.setTitle("Next", for: .normal)
        nextButton.setTitleColor(.systemBlue, for: .normal)
        nextButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(nextPressed), for: .touchUpInside)


        nextButton.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        nextButton.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
        nextButton.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor).isActive = true

Now in SwiftUI simply reference that controller.

WorkflowView(isLaunched: $workflowIsPresented) { // SwiftCurrent
    WorkflowItem(FirstViewController.self) // SwiftCurrent
    WorkflowItem(SecondView.self) // SwiftCurrent