Create a GitHub Repository
You have the option to create Git repositories either on your local machine (within a Docker Container in our case) or in a remote Git environment; it's a mater of personal preference. In either case, you can keep the Git repositories in sync with each other. In this example, we will create a Git repository on GitHub and then, later, clone the repository to our local environment.
Create a new GitHub Repository
- Navigate to and log in.
The view you see may vary depending on whether or not your GitHub account is new. You should see a green button on the left side of the window which reads either Create repository, New repository, or something similar.
If you don't see the green button, navigate to your GitHub home page by clicking the GitHub logo in the upper-left corner of any GitHub window.
You need to enter some information and choose a few options to create the repository:
Name — git-repo-1
Description — Git Repository #1
Set your repository to Public
Tick the box to Initialize this repository with a README
The Name and Description values provide the initial title and contents for the repository README file.
Expand the Add .gitignore dropdown and type or choose Python
Click the Create repository button
Check out your new repository! You already have two files in GitHub, .gitignore and
Your new repository is ready to use. Next, we will briefly look at GitHub branches. Click the link below to continue: