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Git Foundations Hands-On Walkthrough


Git is a distributed source control management (SCM) tool. This walkthrough is a series of practical, hands-on exercises to familiarize you with the use of Git and assumes you understand some Git use cases, terminology, and file areas (working, staging, & HEAD). If you need some quick and dirty Git background information, check out these resources:

What You Need

  1. A Windows or macOS computer with Docker Desktop.

  2. If you are new to Docker, here is the Docker Desktop Installation Documentation.

  3. Alternatively, you can install Docker in a Linux Environment and complete the walkthrough.

  4. An account on

  5. Your favorite terminal/shell program (iTerm, PowerShell, Bash, etc.).


  1. Hands-On Environment Setup
  2. Setup GitHub Authentication
  3. Create a GitHub Repository
  4. Create a New Branch in a GitHub Repository
  5. Clone a GitHub Repository to Your Computer
  6. View & Configure Local Git Settings on Your Computer
  7. Manage Local Git Branches
  8. Make Local Git Repository Changes
  9. Make Local Git Repository Changes With Atomic Commits
  10. Review Changes in the GitHub Repository
  11. Pull/Merge Changes in GitHub
  12. Review The Pull Request Impact to Your Local Git Repository
  13. Clone Another Repository, Make Changes, and Create a New Pull Request

Get Started

That's all there is to it! Click this link to get started: Next Section > Hands-On Environment Setup