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Create a Python Module: session

Python Module

Packages are directories that contain the __init.py__ file and some number of Python files called modules. This section will guide you through creating the first Python module which will handle the session functionality.

Python Modules

Modules in Python are simply Python files with a .py extension. The name of the module will be the name of the file. A Python module can have a set of functions, classes or variables defined and implemented.


Create the Module File

STEP 1. CREATE a file named in the dnac folder

This Python file (module) will sub-class the requests.Session class and serve as our object to handle all things related to the HTTP(S) session with DNA Center.

Read More About Class Inheritance in Python

Real Python 'Super Change Your Classes with super()'

STEP 2. ADD the base session text (copy and paste the code below)


The requests package is the de facto standard Python package for making HTTP requests. You can read more about the Python package ➡ requests

#!/usr/bin/env python

import requests

class dnaCenterSession(requests.Session):
    """DNA Center Session Object

        requests (Session): Sub-classes requests.Session

    def __init__(self, *args: list, **kwargs: dict):
        Initialize dnaCenterSession
        super(dnaCenterSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

                'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    def set_basic_auth(self, username: str, password: str):
        """Set the credentials for Basic Auth on the session object

            username (str): username for basic auth
            password (str): password for basic auth
        self.auth = (username, password)

    def set_verify(self, verify: bool):
        """Sets the verify boolean of a request.Session object

            verify (bool): Boolean for validating certificates
        self.verify = verify

STEP 3 . SAVE the file

What does this do?

This Python module illustrates the use of sub-classing, a key concept in object-oriented programming, to utilize all of the existing functionality in the requests package while providing the ability to customize settings for our specific use case.

The __init__ method calls the __init__ method of the parent class (requests.sessions.Session) using the super() function and sets a header value for all calls.

The set_basic_auth method sets the attribute named auth of the Session object.

The set_verify method sets the boolean value for checking the validity of certificates or not during session establishment.

This simple example illustrates the power and simplicity of object oriented programming.

See requests documentation for more info on the library.